The Retailer-Specific Marketing Movement


Hyper-personalized shopping experiences are becoming the expected norm for consumers, prompting retailers and manufacturers to consider how they can integrate local factors like community, culture and language into their in-store marketing to create more relevant experiences that make their shoppers feel known and connected. While many retailers are sitting on troves of big data that […]

Collaborating to Deliver Shopper Success: A Smithfield Story

Collaboration is becoming critical to shopper marketing success and CPG revenue growth. Smithfield Foods evidenced this at the 2018 Path to Purchase Expo in a presentation they gave with agency partner, Edge Marketing. The seminar shared the story of how through strategic collaboration, Smithfield Foods’ shopper marketing department grew from the execution of only 12 […]

Laying the Foundation for Shopper Marketing Success

Though shopper marketing only recently entered the marketing mainstream, most CPGs recognize that it’s an important move away from short-term trade marketing to a more strategic marketing approach designed around building long-term brand, retailer and shopper value. Despite this recognition, spending on the practice has plateaued, as the recession halted early shopper marketing development and […]

Leveraging the Expansion of Supplemental Benefits

The 2019 Final Call Letter brought significant new changes to Medicare Advantage (MA) benefits in 2019, including the elimination of the meaningful difference requirements and benefit uniformity flexibility, as well as a reinterpretation of supplemental benefits. Combined, these changes offer the biggest opportunity to MAOs in years. In the past, supplemental benefits could only be […]

Composing a Compliant 2019 ANOC/EOC

The Model Documents released by CMS each year offer instructional guidance and standardized document templates for the member materials that must be distributed each fall by Medicare Advantage, Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug, Prescription Drug, and 1876 Cost Plans. On July 24th, the 2019 ANOC and EOC Standardized Models were released, which reinforce the new policies of the Final […]